Sunday, October 28, 2012

My First Fall.

This is my second update using english, im so sorry if my english not really good. I'm always try to talk or update in english because i want to improve my english. i wanna update about my first Fall. I'm so exciting with this season, i feel like im dreaming when i saw all leaves on the trees turning yellowish (-____-"). Its damn so beautifull, but here we go! i got my first fall. because i don't want miss this precious momment, i decide to take some picture in this season. On the first week untill third week of fall, i really want to take some picture. but, sadly im so busy in those week even weekend, im so busy. i have a lot of stuff to do, bunch of homework, bunch of quiz. That's kinda suck, but i must undergo this situation -_- and finally........... i have time to take that picture. im so happy! lol. and then i decide to go to a park nearby my home. here we go the picture!:D

thats leaves so  beautiful, isn't it? i think Fall will be my favourite season ever! its beautiful and i love the weather. its very cold. most of the time, the temperature is like 48 deegres F, but sometimes the temperatur is like 32 degrees F it seems like 0 degrees C or 26 degrees F it seems like -3 Degrees C. it's cold but i love it. even this is fall, but the temperature so worst. in one side, i love cold, but this is too cold for me :'D but i'll enjoy it.


Monday, October 22, 2012

Satu sisi gue ngerasa jenuh menjadi stranger terus. gabanyak yang kenal sama lo di sekolah. Mau nyapa mereka rada takut serba salah. kalau sudah ngobrol, pasti ujung ujungnya bingung mau ngomongin apaan. Ya ini salah satu masalah yang harus gue hadapin. Satu sisi gue bersyukur banget bisa dapet kesematan besar ini, yang gasemua orang bisa dapet kesempatan ini. Ya sebenernya cuman jenuh aja ga ada temen yang ngajak hangout, atau apalah. disini kalau mau kemana mana harus pakai mobil dan.....gue gadibolehin nyetir dan gapunya mobil juga disini. jadi bingung. mau nyari tebengan juga rada gak enak soalnya temen gue pada jauh di kota lain. mau minta di ajak hangout juga gue bingung mau ngomongnya gimana, biasa anak Indonesia gak enakan. satu sisi gue juga takut ntar dikira gimana gimana takut aja mereka berfikir "ini anak foreign deket kaga eh minta di ajak hangout. mana bahasa inggrisnya ancur". jujur aja gue gapernah berada di situasi gini, serba salah. satu sisi gue iri sama temen temen gue yang dari eropa yang perasaan gue gampang banget punya temen. secara mereka cantik dan gaul gitu. mereka udah hangout kemana mana. satu sisi mereka juga rumahnya deket sama temen temen gue yang lainnya sih. gue gapernah tanpa hangout selama 2 bulan gini. seriusan deh gue butuh temen deket yang ngajak gue jalan atau apalah. temen ya gue uda banyak tapi belum ada yang deket dan ngajak jalan. nasib deh. emang serbasalah juga tinggal di town yang super kecil gini. mudahan aja gue di pindah di town yang besaran deh. mudahan di Mankato atau di Minneapolish sekalian juga gue terima aja (yaiya lah secara Minneapolish capital city of Minnesota -_-). gue cuman bingung sekarang apa yang harus gue lakuin. padahal gue udah coba pakai jurus SKSD super deh -_- eh ujungnya gue bingung mau ngomong apa kalau ngobrol. hopefully, situasi gini cepet berubah secepatnya.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Difference between school system in America and school system Indonesia

Hi, i think this is my first time wraiting in blog using english. yeah i know my english very bad but yah i try to talk in english. Now i wanna talk how is school in America. In America i'm going to Southwest Star Concept (Okabena) High School its a very small school (i think so) but its a VERY NICE school. first of all i want to tell you all what classes i had here. i take American Goverment, Chemistry, Geometry, Biology, News Prespective and Choir. Actually, i have Managing Personal Investment class too, but i drop off that class. I didn't have idea with that class. That class talkin about Creditcard, American Bank, Insurance, etc. I really not understand with that all stuff. That is the reason why i drop off that class.

School system in America has really big different with School system in Indonesia. In Indonesia, we fixed on department we choose. Like, If we choose Natural Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) we just learning about Natural Science for 3 years. For me, That is so boring. LOL. In America, feel free to choose what classes you want to study. But, for sure they must take Math every year (as i know).  In one class, not just consist of one force. But it can be mixed from other forces. for the example, In the class there could be children from Freshman, Sophomor, Junior, or Senior. It's fun we can now each other from different grade.

Here, i have own locker to put all my stuff. notebook, book, especially sweater and sweatshirt. etc (yeah, im always using sweatshirt or swaeter. Damn so cold here-_-). Maybe in Indonesia, some school provide facilities locker for the student. but, most of school In Indonesia didn't provide locker for the student. In my school here (America),the duration for one subject is 70 minutes. Between 1 classes to another classes, we are given time for go to locker for take the notes and book or go to bathroom. the Period of time for go to locker, between 2 untill 3 minutes.

When i was in Indonesia, the duration for 1 classes is 90 minutes. and i think that is too long (in my humble opinion). the timetable in Indonesia and America are different. for the example, in America, we have same classes everyday, but when i was in Indonesia, the classes always different everyday. in one side, i think it's boring when we have same classes everyday, but it's more effective to understand the subject. so we did not get to forget with previous lesson.

My favourite subject here is American Goverment and Chemistry. In American goverment class, we learning about how is American Goverment, and how is system of  American government. Moreover this moment the election, we talk about election and we talk what are the chances for Obama or Romney to win elections. It's very fun to talk all about that! Honestly, I am more interested with Social Science than Natural Science.

I think that's all. I will talk more about school in next posting. Hopefully, you guys understand what i mean. yeah i know my english so sucks bad, hopefully i can 't improve it soon. :)

 /Yudhis /October 20th 2012


I am so happy today! i got a mail from my friend in Orem, Utah. Her name is Tasya Bintang. She wrote the mail so long! hahaha. She encouraged me, gimme solution and she told me to make a journal. I miss Aulia, Dilla, Ina, Nia, Glenda, Dean, Tasya! Hopefully, i can meet them soon. here we go mail from tasya!

From Tasya Anggita Bintang Napitupulu
To Muhammad Dayan Yudhistia
This Is the Mail  

the beginning of the letter
End of the letter

Thankyou so much Tasya for the latter! i will replied email from you soon. and for Aulia, Nia, Ina, Dilla Glenda, Dean, i will sent a mail for you guys!:)

/Yudhis /October 19th 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012

After lunch

actually, this is very not important post. but, daripada boring mending nulis kan ya -_- okay! i have taco and sweet rice today for lunch and 2 bottle of milk. yeah im full now. haha -_- sorry for this not really important post. im so bored right now. idk what i should to do. i've done all my homework. btw, my friend from mexico said, big different between taco in America and taco in Mexico. they put chees in taco and in mexico thay never put chees on their taco -_- yaaa and she said that is a lil bit weird. hahahaa but it doesn't matter for me, the most important thing is Im full!!! haha so far i love American food so much. a lil bit different between American food in Indonesia and in America. my favourite food is CHICKEN GRILL! LOL, idk why i love that stuff. pretty big different Indonesian Chicken grill and American chicken grill. and now........time to close my blog. i have class right now. i'll wrote another experience when i get home. seeya

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lakefield, Minnesota here i come!

Gue akhirnya nyampe di bandara di Minneapolis (gue gatau kenapa gue turunnya disini, padahal ada bandara yg lebih deket-_-). Well, my Host Family didn't pick me up in the airport, Yaaaa it isn't problem. but, honestly sedikit sedih sih, soalnya si Sondre (Norway) sama si Piere (France) di jemputnya meriah gitu. lah gue? yg jemput staff dari Nacel gitu. hahaha yaudah lah. setelah gue ambil luggage langsung cus keluar ke mobil untuk menempuh perjalanan ke Lakefield yang memakan waktu 3 jam. ternyata dia gak sendirian. She pick me up with her boyfriend, guess what her boyfriend is a Turkish and he is a Moslem! haha first time i meet a Moslem in America. Selama perjalanan banyak ngobrol sama mereka, ngobrol dari gimana suasana Minnesota, gimana hidup di Minnesota semuanya deh di ceritain hehe. Ditengah perjalanan, we stop in McDonal, soalnya udah lunch time. Setelah selesai makan siang, perjalanan ke Lakefield di lanjutkan kembali.

Singkat cerita, i arrived in Lakefield!!!!! wohoooo akhirnya gue sampai di tempat yang gue tuju. but, a lil bit shocked when im arrived in Lakefield, because Everywhere is cornfield:| thats make me shocked. but, Now im enjoying live here very much! i love this town. sesampainya di rumah, finally i meet my Host Dad, his name is Jay Granstra. dia duda beranak tiga (buset bahasanya). Anaknya semuanya udah pada besar besar semua ternyata. udah pergi dari rumah semua. Pertama gue dateng ya gue cuman tinggal ber2 aja di rumah. Malemnya gue dateng, dia nge grill ayam gitu, his chicken grill the best grill ever! damn so delicious. Pas kita lagi nge grill ayam, his dad come to his home and we had supper together. gue ngobrol banyak banget sama dia, dan akhirnya malam semakin larut dan gue pun tidur.

Me and Host Dad

Keesokan harinya, gue di aja ke Okoboji Lake, omg ini danau gede bgt dan cantik abis! hahaha (ini edisi udik, soalnya di samarinda gak ada danau. hehe:D) yaudah gue main di danau beberapa saat gitu, Okoboji Lake not really far from house, jst 20 miles. yaudah foto foto bentar muter muter terus jalan lagi deh!

selesai muter muter di Okoboji Lake, gue di ajak ke Walmart. Walmart itu supermarket yang gede bgt gitu. yaaaa kalau di Indonesia semacan Carfour gitu lah. kurang lebih lah tapi ya Walmart gede bgt. Gue beli beberapa kebutuhan yang gue perluin, terutama HANDPHONE! haha belinya yang murah aja sih, toh kan cuman di pakai sebentar aja disini. hehehe. setelah gue di ajak ke Walmart, gue pergi ke sekolah, buat liat sekolah gitu walaupun cuman dari luar aja sih, soalnya sekolahnya masih tutup. masih Summerbreak soalnya. hehehe. ceritanya sampai sini dulu ya. soalnya mau tidur sore. seeya :3

Saturday, September 22, 2012

New life has began.

Hi everyone! Nama gue Yudhis, gue sekarang lagi melewati hari hari gue sebagai Exchange Student. Gue berangkat dari Indonesia menuju Amerika pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2012 02:00 P.M (pas Indonesian Independence day tjoy. haha). gue harus transit di Taipe - SanFransisco dan sampai lah di Chicago.

From Left: Nia, Glenda, Me, Dean, Ina, Dilla, Aulia, Tasya.

Kenapa gue ke Chicago dulu? soalnya gue harus orientasi international dulu di Chicago sama-sama anak Exchange Student dari negara lain. first time gue sampe di Chicago, jujur gue rada minder disitu. soalnya anak anak dari negara lain bahasa inggrisnya bagus bagus, especially Exchange Student from Norwegia and Germany. sedangkan waktu itu yaaaa bisa di katakan bahasa Inggris gue pas-pasan banget. but, yaaa thats why im joining this Exchange Student. I want improve my english.

Indonesia negara yang paling terakhir dateng pas orientasi international di Chicago. begitu dateng dateng, eh langsung di suruh masuk kamar dan disuruh siap siap buat orientasi pagi (demi, ini kondisi gue yang paling capek!) dan ternyata gue sama temen gue dilla yang dapet teman sekamar bukan anak Indonesia. gue dapet teman sekaramar anak Turki, namanya Semih Enfal.

setelah gue mandi dan siap siap. orientasi dimulai. sebenernya itu materynya umum banget. udah gue dapet selama di Indonesia. hahaha tapi apa boleh buat ini harus di jalanin haha. dan saatnya yang ditunggu tunggu dateng! CHICAGO CITY TOUR!!!!!! haha. fix ini lebay. akhirnya menghilangkan kepenatan selama di pesawat. gue sama temen temen gue dan anak exchange student lainnya jalan jalan di chicago, gue lupa sebenernya nama tempat tempatnya. momment yang paling gue suka pas di Navy Pier, we used boat tour for sorround the Michigan Lake. itu bener bener asik bgt.

habis selesai ngelilingin Michigan Lake, we have free time around 1.5 hours. itu sekalian nyari makan malam juga sih. jadi ceritanya malam itu makan di pinggir danau. yaudah deh gue misah sama rombongan. terus gue ngebuat rombongan kecil sendiri, isinya gue, 2 anak indonesia lainnya Aulia sama Dean terus sama Matthew (Germany), and Enfal (Turky). yang yaudah deh, muter muter terus nemu restoran burger gitu. yaudah deh makan burger yang gue bilang Porsinya besar bgt! honestly, gue ga habis makannya. hahaha.terus habis selesai makan muter muter lagi deh.

(from left: Aulia, Enfal, Gue, Matthew. dean took this picture)

setelah selesai jalannya, we back to the bus and back to Radison Hotel! habis itu pas nyampe di hotel terus ada pertemuan lagi di ballroomnya gitu. ternyata tentang pembagian keberangkatan. Dean sama Tasya dapet keloter pertama yang berangkat ke bandara jam setengah 5 pagi (semua anak Utah dapetnya kloter pertama). terus gue sama Glenda dapet kloter ke 2, jam setengah 6 pagi. dan gue lupa seterusnya siapa. yang pasti Nia ga kebandara soalnya semua anak yang dapet placement di Wisconsin berangkatnya pakai Bus ke Wisconsinnya. gue satu pesawat sama Sondre (Norwegia) sama Pierre (france) dan singkat cerita terbanglah gue ke Minnesota!